Achieving Goals!

After six months interning with TWB I am now a full-time staff member working as the Store Manger for our Remera bakery. Over the last few months, I have come to appreciate TWB’s commitment to working efficiently and cohesively. It is clear that this is an environment where each member of the team is encouraged. As a team member each person is expected to bring new ideas and present new ideas and opportunities to grow. In return, those ideas are reviewed and everyone works together to develop and implement them in the most effective ways. What else could I ask for, being young and rising with a start up where my voice is heard, and where I am given the right directions to enhance my career?!

Upon first learning about the goals of The Women’s Bakery and the work they are doing to reach those goals, I have wanted to work with TWB. At first I was not sure if I was contributing enough. The only way to know that I was being successful was by seeing positive results and the appreciation of my teammates.

The work we do will not mean much to the community if improvements do not start within our group and our neighbors. It is always very rewarding to learn the progress our women have made since they joined TWB, having improved the standard of living and their life in their families.

Not only have they acquired new skills, but they have also acquired independence and that is evidence of a good, brilliant promising future. Our women hope to achieve their dreams through their bakery and that this will grow to be famous everywhere. They also hope to someday train other women in the same way they were trained by TWB. Our women are so committed and self-determined to secure long awaited growth, not just for themselves but for their families and this country.
