Enriching Our World

By Ann Baruch

My visit to Rwanda in 2018 is one of my most memorable life experiences.


Prior to the trip I knew Markey Culver well and admired her tremendously.  I was eager to see The Women’s Bakery “in action” and enjoy other aspects of the country.  I was drawn by the opportunity to better understand Rwanda's history and to meet people who are committed to building a strong future for their country. In addition, the chance to visit the gorillas was irresistible and the delight of a visit to a game preserve was compelling.  I wanted to tour the city of Kigali and enjoy its museums and restaurants.  "The land of 1000 hills” was calling to me, and I was not disappointed in any way! 

I support TWB for many reasons.

  • I believe that people deserve a chance to be the very best that they can be.

  •  I believe that women deserve an opportunity to develop the skills that enable them to support themselves and their children. 

  • I believe that women have large amounts of untapped resources to contribute to the world. 

  • I believe that those of us who are blessed with adequate resources have an obligation to share our talents and financial resources with others. 

  • I believe that as global citizens we must get to know and understand each other. 

I am inspired by the way in which the work of TWB contributes to all of these issues.  I am inspired by the many ways in which Markey, and others, give so selflessly. I encourage others to give to TWB because I know that the contribution will make a basic and permanent difference in the lives of women. The empowerment of these women will inspire and provide skills and education to others. Our world is enriched by such efforts.


I hope that TWB will thrive and grow bigger and stronger. I hope that it will achieve financial security and serve as a model for other organizations. I hope that the courageous and dedicated founders will enjoy the delight of knowing what a tremendous contribution they have made to the lives of others and to the world. I salute them and say a heartfelt “thank you”.
