Education Never Ends

At TWB’s Kigali Bakery, we have been conducting Nutrition Extension lessons for the last nine weeks with TWB women that work at the bakery.

Each lesson (totaling one hour) occurred once a week, covering the importance of balanced diet, malnutrition status in Rwanda, breastfeeding, child development, and women’s health. At the end of each lesson, the women shared a nutritious meal and reflected on the experience of learning and working together.

After the final lesson, I, as the training manager, held an informational dialogue to collect feedback from the women about their experience with TWB’s pilot nutrition extension program.

Nearly all participants commented on the acquired understanding of Rwanda’s 1,000 Days Campaign. One participant spoke proudly, “I never knew what the 1,000 days campaign in Rwanda meant,” but after the training, “I know the 1,000 days is about healthy nutrition from when a mother knows she is pregnant until a child is 2 years old of age.”

Another participant said that thought she had forgotten most of the nutrition lessons she had in the first training (three years ago), the Nutrition Extension Program was a good refresher for the content.

“I had forgotten most of the things we had learned before, but this lesson extension came as a reminder and refresher, I am going to go back and really put in practice what I learned, especially breastfeeding.”

At TWB, we believe that education is an endless process. We always learn to improve and that is why we developed the Nutrition Extension in the first place: so that we can remind our women that their and their child’s health matter.  

Education never ends; we will continue to educate TWB women and the community throughout Rwanda on the importance of healthy nutrition for individuals, and for families. 

#breadpower #nutritiousanddelicious #togetherwerise